Orientation Session Archives
Social Change in Cultural Heritage Institutions
— thursday, October 3, 2019, 5:30 pm
Discussion Resources
The New MoMA Is Here. Get Ready for Change.
A critical response to the reinstall
THE COSTS OF THE CONFEDERACY: Exploring the Racism Behind many Southern Monuments
THE AMERICAN CIVIL WAR MUSEUM: Why Now? Said and Unsaid on Monument Avenue
WHOSE MEMORY? WHOSE MONUMENTS? History, Commemoration, and the Struggle for an Ethical Past
“We’ve Got to Tell the Unvarnished Truth” Broadsheet
Read The New York Times 1619 Project by clicking on the linked image below…
Training Session and EOHTA
— thursday, september 19, 2019, 5:30 pm
Exploring Ohio’s History through Art Teacher Resource Kit **
Exploring Ohio’s History through Art Student Activity Guide **
**These are here for your information. Please do not feel obligated to read through ALL the material. The training session slides will guide you to specific sections to review depending on what activity you would like to lead.
Tour Techniques and Reading Visitors
— Friday, August 23, 2019, 10 Am
Mentorship program, Stan Hywet and Akron trip discussion
— Thursday, August 15, 2019, 5:30 Pm
Master Schedule
Art history & Art Appreciation
— Saturday, July 20, 2019, 11:30 am
Docent Meeting Agenda
Additional Resources:
Please see additional resources including readings, handouts, and videos for the follow dates: (Scroll down to access resources from previous sessions.)
May 18, 2018
June 1, 2018
June 29, 2018
February 1, 2019, Please see the following videos:
American Impressionism: An Introduction
Divided by Light and Color
About the Exhibition: American Impressionism
March 16, 2019, Please see the following videos:
I Could Do That
How to Learn About Contemporary Art
Art or Prank
Case for Abstraction
Smart Talk: Modern Art vs. Contemporary
Feel free to explore all the videos, but these are the the ones we would like you to see for the next session.
74th Ohio Annual Exhibition, Modernism and Abstraction
— Friday, June 14, 2019, 11:30 am
Welcome New Docents!
— Saturday, June 1, 2019, 11:30 am
Information Session PowerPoint
Empowering Docents with Experience Training
New Docent Orientation Tour Notes
Additional Resource Articles:
ZMA History
Privacy Policy
Museum Information and Policies
Staff Information
What are Museum Didactics?
Sample of ZMA Museum Didactics
Additional Resources:
American Alliance of Museum's Code of Ethics for Museums
Why Can't I Touch Museum Objects?
Sculpture Gallery
— Wednesday, April 10, 2019, 10 am
Barbara Vogel and Contemporary Art
— Wednesday, March 6, 2019, 10 am
Learn more about encaustic in these videos. (Videos are now located in the Docent 19th Century, Modernism, and Contemporary Art Session Archives.) Although they are not about Barbara Vogel herself, these nice videos discuss the ancient media and process used by artist Barbara Vogel, which can be seen in the new exhibition opening later this month in the Linn Auditorium.
Docent Schedule and Exploring Ohio’s History Through Art Economics Field Trip
— Wednesday, February 27, 2019, 10 am
Exploring Ohio’s History Through Art Economics Field Trip Information Slides
4th-Grade Field Trip Information Sessions
— Wednesday, January 16, 10 am
Docent Information Slides- 4th Grade History and Economics Field Trips
History (TRK Unit 3: History, pg. 37-57 )
Economics (TRK Unit 4: Economics, pg. 58-80)
Group Discussion: What suggestions do you have for the Docent Program in 2019? We’re all ears! Please fill out the Docent Program Evaluation Survey, thank you.
Jewelry and Field Trip-Geography Information Sessions
— Friday, November 30, 10 am
Docent Information Session Slides-Jewelry
Register for to give a tour / facilitated discussion of jewelry
The Worst Tour Ever!
— Tuesday, September 18, 8:30–10:30 am
September 6, 2018
Tour Theory and Tour Development
Tour Theory and Tour Development
— August 24, 2018
Object Slides for Editing w/ Word
Thematic Tour Practice Session
— August 10, 2018
American Art Pottery
— July 13, 2018
Information Session Slides
Additional Resources:
American Art Pottery information videos, like the films we've been using in class, are uncommon. The PBS series Antiques Roadshow pottery appraisal archives has very useful short videos (3 to 4 minutes) about many of the pottery manufacturers that were located in Zanesville, Ohio including Weller, Roseville, and Owens. (Videos are now located in the Docent American Art Pottery Session Archives.)
Roseville Experimental Line Production Vase, ca. 1925
Weller Eocean Vases & Owens Utopian Vase
Art History and the ZMA’s Collection: 19th Century, Modernism, Contemporary
— June 29, 2018
Tour Theme Development Worksheet, Part I
Tour Development Questions to Consider, Part II
Additional Resources:
These are brief, eight-minute introductory videos on art-related topics that will be discussed in our docent session. There are so many excellent videos for this session, Please watch as many of these as you can prior to the June 29th session. (Videos are now located in the Docent 19th Century, Modernism, and Contemporary Art Session Archives.)
Art History and the ZMA’s Collection: Renaissance, Baroque, Mannerism, and the 18th century
— June 1, 2018
Information Session Slides — Renaissance and Baroque Art(Please print these out for your docent binder or folder.)
How Art Can Help You Analyze. Accompanies the video of the same name linked below.
Recognizing Renaissance and Baroque Art
Tools of Visual (Formal Analysis) Accompanies the video How to Do Visual (Formal) Analysis linked below
Additional Resources:
These are brief, eight-minute introductory videos on art-related topics that will be discussed in our docent session. Please watch these videos prior to the June 1st session. (Videos are now located in the Docent Renaissance & Baroque Art Session Archives.)
Here are a few helpful tips on how art, visual analysis, and slow looking can help the people you tour relate to art. What one tip will you share with your tour group?
We learned about Slow Looking at the May 18th meeting. How does Slow Looking compare to Visual Analysis? How can you use both in your tours?
Looking for some movies related to the periods and art we will be discussing?
Look no further, here are a few trailers:
Girl with the Pearl Earring-A feature-length film about one of Vermeer's most iconic paintings.
Tim's Vermeer-A feature-length documentary theorizing how Vermeer's work may have been created.
Belle-A feature-length film about Dido Elizabeth Belle and a revolutionary 17th-century portrait of her.
— MAY 18, 2018
Information Session Slides — Ancient and Medieval Art (Please print these out for your docent binder or folder.)
A Brief History of Western Culture
Slow Looking
Characteristics of Egyptian Art
These are brief, eight-minute introductory videos on art-related topics that will be discussed in our docent session. Please watch these videos prior to the May 18th session. (Videos are now located in the Docent Ancient Art Session Archives and the Docent Medieval Session Archives.)
— March 2, 2018
Information Session PowerPoint
ZMA History
Privacy Policy
Museum Information and Policies
Staff Information
What are Museum Didactics?
Sample of ZMA Museum Didactics
Additional Resources:
American Alliance of Museum's Code of Ethics for Museums
Why Can't I Touch Museum Objects?
Why Can't People Stop Touching Museum Exhibits?
Orientation Part 1
— February 16, 2018
Information Session PowerPoint — Practicum: Basics of being a ZMA docent