Did you know???
Art-integrated learning boosts academics. It’s true, and at the ZMA, we believe in the power of the arts to tell our story and help students better understand the world around them. In this same spirit, we’ve collaborated with local teachers to develop a History program called Exploring Ohio’s History Through Art (EOHTA).
An arts-integrated, hands-on educational program that takes place during the school year.
Activity Guides developed with local teachers to bolster in-class learning.
Materials and activities are aligned with state learning standards for 4th-grade students.
Includes one school visit, and three educational field trips each focused on an important History topic: geography, history, and economics.
Viewing artworks on display to learn about Ohio’s history by making observations, engaging in discussions, and participating in hands on activities.
Designed primarily for Elementary and Intermediate students in fourth grade, with learning and activities that align with classroom curriculum and Ohio’s fourth-grade learning standards. Our program is intended to reinforce learning about Ohio’s History by exploring our story through works on display at the Zanesville Museum of Art.
School Teachers or Administrators may reach out for more information.
May also be beneficial to homeschool groups & co-operatives who may be studying Ohio History and the related topics (geography, history, and economics) included in our program.
There is NO cost for schools to participate in our program.
All activities are FREE!
This is a way for us to give back to our community.
Working through this exciting curriculum will enhance your students’ understanding of Ohio History, Geography, and Economics through a series of field trips to the Zanesville Museum of Art.
Numerous studies have shown the positive impact that arts education has on students
A Loyola University study even demonstrated a more than eleven-point score increase due to involvement with an integrated arts learning program.
The effect of learning that is art-integrated can transform everything - from readiness to learn and ability to think critically, to their improved academic scores.
Students who receive arts-integrated learning are better prepared for higher education and more likely to be recognized with high achievement.
The mission of the Exploring Ohio’s History Through Art program is to expand the audience of the ZMA and bolster the academic performance of local fourth-grade students by helping them learn about Ohio’s History through engaging with vital works on display that tell our story.
To provide a quality educational program that is art-integrated and aligned with Ohio Educational Standards.
To teach 4th-grade students about Ohio’s History (and some of our local history), and include learning about important topics like geography, natural resources, economics, and agriculture.
To enrich learning done in the school classroom through engaging with the artworks at the ZMA during in-class activities and field trips.
To help students understand that art is a way of recording history, telling our stories, and communicating with an audience.
To inspire students to engage with and appreciate art in various forms.
To encourage students to consider the museum a place to spend time with their peers and families.
Exploring Ohio’s History through Art Online is made possible in part thanks to the generous support of the Strengthening Civics Education Fund through the Foundation of Appalachian Ohio and the Ohio Arts Council.