Learn a wide range of drawing styles inspired by artwork from around the world in this fun-filled, one-week summer camp. Discover a quirky new twist on self-portraits in the Netherlands, learn storytelling through drawing in Ancient Rome, create fantastical jungle scenes in France, get in touch with Surrealism in Belgium, and learn to capture movement when drawing people in New York City. Complete several drawing projects with charcoal, pastels, colored pencil, and more to earn stamps for your Art Voyagers Passport.
Summer Camp Fees
- Members: $90
- Not-Yet-Members: $115
We offer limited camp tuition assistance and the application process is simple. Please call Misty Johnson, Education Coordinator, at (740) 452-0741 for more information.
Art Voyagers Drawing Camp is generously supported by the Taylor-McHenry Memorial Foundation.
Additional Information:
Monday through Friday, June 10–14, 9 am–12 pm, at the ZMA
All materials, a light snack, and a painting apron provided.
Some activities may be outdoors
Recommended for grades K–3
Register by June 3
Call (740) 452-0741 to register
Monday through Friday, June 10–14, 9 am–12 pm, at the ZMA
All materials, a light snack, and a painting apron provided.
Some activities may be outdoors
Recommended for grades K–3
Register by June 3
Call (740) 452-0741 to register