ZMA Inventory: Building a Stronger Art Pottery Collection
Join ZMA executive director Laine Snyder and a panel of art pottery advisors for an exciting discussion on the ZMA art pottery inventory process, conducted in 2020-2021. Through the process, the entire ZMA American Art Pottery collection was assessed, identifying strengths and opportunities to build a stronger collection.
ZMA American Art Pottery Advisors Panel:
Mark Bassett: American Art Pottery researcher and collector
Edward Council: J.B. Owens Pottery researcher and collector
Mark Latta: American Art Pottery collector, past American Art Pottery Association president
Marie Latta: American Art Pottery collector
Frank Norman: Weller Pottery collector, researcher, and author
This event takes place on Zoom. If you have questions on how to use zoom, please visit:
Thursday, June 24, 6 pm, on Zoom. Free and open to the public. Registration required by June 21, 2021.
Generously supported by the Taylor-McHenry Memorial Fund and the Ohio Arts Council